About Mr Boshell

Mr Benn J S Boshell

Mr Boshell is a foot & ankle specialist with vast experience treating a wide range of foot & ankle problems. Plantar fasciitis and heel pain are Mr Boshell’s specialist interest and since he graduated in 2010, there have been many changes in the understanding and treatment options for plantar fasciitis and other causes of heel pain. He takes pride in keeping up to date with the latest research and treatment developments which is one of the reasons that has enabled him to be the best at what he does. He is continuously learning and reviewing published literature in his field and is also actively in contact with a wide network of professionals around the world which is a great resource for information and exchange of ideas.

Whilst we can’t promise to make you pain free (and no other ethical professional should) what we can promise is to give you the very best standard of care available and together, we will give you the very best opportunity to improve your pain and get you back to doing your favourite activities.


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